Conversations for Commonwealth Splash  

A program of

120 Parkhurst Street
Pittsburgh, PA 15212

412.321.3900 x206
[email protected]

Conversations for Common Wealth
creates settings in which diverse groups of people can respond to the deepest ethical callings in their lives – and translate that response into generous action in the world. 


"I came away feeling I can really do something!"

"Conversations was
and heart-opening."

"It helped me move beyond my comfort zone."

Can ordinary people make a difference?
   Conversations for Common Wealth says, “Yes!”

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There’s plenty of bad news in the world – even in our own neighborhoods. But what can we do? We’re just ordinary people, busy with our own lives.

Conversations for Common Wealth is a nonprofit program that brings people together to answer just that question. It’s a safe place to explore possibilities for change – in yourself, your community and the world. And it’s free, even the meals. Participants enjoy seven shared dinners, with relaxed facilitated conversation. But Conversations is more than “just talk.” In a supportive atmosphere, each participant is encouraged to move into action, making a new or renewed commitment to our broader common good.

No one tells you what to do – any steps you choose are ones you define for yourself. Along the way, participants enjoy the support of new friends asking themselves the same questions.

To keep the discussion human – in contrast to “issue debates” and “policy talk” — each small group uses music, poetry, images, or ordinary human voices as a starting point for conversation. A facilitator helps the group reflect on possibilities for generous change in our lives, our community, and the world.

“This is a chance to talk about things that really matter, but in a very human way. It’s not just idle chatter or salon philosophizing,” observes project director, Richard St. John. “You make new friends and learn along with others. It’s enjoyable and it’s free. You can even sign up with a friend.”

Conversations are held at Community House, located at 120 Parkhurst Street (across the street from the AGH Emergency Room entrance), on Pittsburgh's North Side. There is no cost, but you need to sign up in advance. Child care is available on request.


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Conversations for Common Wealth
is a program of the Community House Learning Center,
and supported by the Heinz Endowments, the Maurice Falk Medical Fund, and the Emil and Sarah Limbach Fund of the Pittsburgh Foundation.